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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Good movie.

Hiho! Well here i am, actually blogging. You know i do this all for you right? My public. Times have been unfairly calm. What do i mean by that? Well I mean, I SHOULD be running around screaming like my arm's cut off, but instead, I am clam and lucid. I have a ton of things I need to be doing, and instead? Yea, I am blogging. Oh and now things are awkward between one of my co-workers and I. I hope that blows over. Well, I would tell you the story, but it's too long and I don't feel like typing that much. All in all, it put me in a sour mood, but Jacob helped out. Well other than that it's been a pretty nice and relaxed week, even though I should be stressed out.I am enjoying the weather. I got some new jeans after shopping with dad last weekend. I saw Good night and Good Luck with Jacob and his dad. It was actually pretty interesting. I am not sure if it was a Great Movie, but it certainly was interesting. Hey, I finally got a wallet! I know, You all remember Neefer, digging through her purse for like five minutes to find money (when i had any) or an ID, or something like that. Well no more! Oh yea, dude, someone left this soggy bag filled with coffee grains next to the dumpster, and it was my job to take out the trash, so guess who got coffee grains all over them? OH yea, me! I didn't feel too bad about it, i rinsed off. Oh yea, and Sabastan slimed me with the pesto, then kelly came in to visit me at work and got hugged me, getting pesto on her. Good job Sebastan, a two for one. Anyway, i need to go, my mom is here, i am gonna spend the night at her place tonight. Bye bye and luv luv.

jennifer link
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