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Sunday, January 22, 2006

oooh Shibue Jyoji....hopelessly handsome.

HAPPY THREE HUNDRETH BLOG! whooo....yea....thats enough. so anyway i have had a pretty busy weekend all in all. On Friday Austin took me to school then he, john, and i went to eat at Pho's....mmmm....B9 (my favorite dish there) I ate my plate while the two of them picked off one....women! Kelly called me and asked me if i wanted to do Rock Climbing, and needless to say that my lazyness added with my fear of hights added with more lazyness that was a big no. Then we went to the arcade where we met up with Kelly. We totally played some serious DDR. John is amazing at that game by the way. Then i went and got a hair cut at visible changes, shhhhhh don't tell Kelley. FYI my sister's name is spelled Kelley, my friend's name is spelled Kelly. I also bought some cute clips. Then Austin and i ran some erronds...thanxs for doing that boring stuff with me. Then we went to Toy Joy and i got these kickin Rock Star/Movie Star/Socialite sun glasses, don't worry, you'll see them. Then we went to Spider House and met up with Shelley and Kelley. Austin left, we went and played some more DDR. Austin was replaced by Kevin. We only got to talk for a short while because i had a curfew that i STILL Broke. And that was Friday. Saturday Austin took me to lunch at his favorite Mexican food place, then he had to go back to San Antionio. After that John and i chilled, got bubble tea, went to the court house to find that it was closed on weekends, went to his place and plaid many games. I suck at guitaru man. Then we went to the fabric store and i helpped him pick out some to go with his cosplay. Then we went to the mall and i got neat nail polish, and they had run out of what he wanted. Then i came home did some paint by number and played some Sims 2. And that is about it for the weekend so far. I am not sure what i will end up doing today. Well that is my report and i will see you kids later, bye bye and luv luv.

jennifer link
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